For the brand 10th anniversary, Atelier Mira is partnering with Kuboraum and will dedicate part of its space to the brand and its fabulous artistry that we have put a lot of love and care to select for you.

A one-of-a-kind capsule collection will be unveiled October 29th, during our Shop-in-Shop Opening Party that we are very excited to invite you to.

We will celebrate this happening with the presence of one of the founding duo behind the brand, Sergio Eusebi as well as the US Brand Ambassador Vassili Di Napoli. And for the occasion, a musical performance will be offered by the multi-disciplinary artist: Bella Báguena.

Halloween Costumes and flamboyant eyewear are more than welcome!

Want to discover more about this Shop-in-Shop experience, reserve a spot for the Party? contact us by email at

Buon viaggio!